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ShelleyXu离职 昱辉阳光再换帅

来源:新能情报局 编辑:pvnews 点击数:时间:2019-11-27
导读: 近日,昱辉阳光发布新的人事任命,据公告显示,任命刘宇民为公司首席执行官,自2019年12月4日起生效。自2019年7月起担任首席执行官的徐雪莉(ShelleyXu)离开ReneSola,寻求其他机会。此外,ReneSola宣布任命KeChen先生为首席财务官,立即生效。陈先生将继续



  ReneSola Ltd ("ReneSola" or "the Company") (www.renesolapower.com) (NYSE: SOL), a leading fully integrated solar project developer,announced today thatMr. Yumin Liuwas appointedChief Executive Officerof the Company,effective December 4, 2019.Ms. Shelley Xu, who served as Chief Executive Officer since July 2019,left ReneSola to pursue other opportunities.Additionally, ReneSola announced that Mr. Ke Chen was appointed to serve as Chief Financial Officer, effective immediately. Mr. Chen will continue to serve on the Company's Board of Directors. Mr. Xiaoliang Liang, who had served as Chief Financial Officer since June 2018, also left ReneSola to pursue other opportunities.


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